Well we have blinked and September is here. August was a slow month for me with only 2 parties, but I completed two goals. I qualified which means that I sold my first $1000. And what I am more excited about, I met my Start Swell Goal and earned my Girl on the Go kit for FREE.
I got to order my kit today and hope that it will be here in time for my first September party. The two items that I am most excited about are the double zip cosmetic bag which is one of the new hostess exclusive items and the new zipper skirt purse. My personal purse will not have to be undressed for future parties. I won't think, hum, I wonder how many rocks are in it this time as guests are looking at and through my purse. Never sure what might have be hanging out in there this time.
Hope that everyone has a wonderful September and for those of us in Texas that we will be seeing some cooler temperatures soon. ~Sylvia